Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer in Reverse - Lake Camanche

While we didn't get a lot done around the house (a little difficult with two of us running day camps) we did go places and do things. I will hopefully remember to keep posting belated summer events and current events frequently.

Lake Camanche

We headed out to Lake Camanche over the weekend. We brought the dogs and several friends and their dogs for a relaxing weekend camping by the side of the lake.

We caught a lot of seaweed and other things. No fish.

Lots of relaxing and gorgeous views.

Hundreds of dragonflies come out all at once. Tried as I might to get one to land on my hand, they were more interested in flying around and feasting.

We picked up a 1/2 bushel of apples on the way up there. We've made two delicious batches of apple chips (plain, lemoned, cinnamon and cinnamon and sugar), so far. We're thinking some apple pies are next.


Tiffan said...

No wonder you didn't catch anything! The lake is SUPER high, from those pics! You've got at least 15 feet of shallow grass before you get to the regular waterline from that Riverview site. Hope you enjoyed it, though. Gotta love Camanche..

Alexa F. said...

It seemed the only people getting fish were out on the boats, so that makes a lot of sense! It was our first time there and had no idea it was highish levels. We definitely had fun. Thanks!