Friday, September 17, 2010

Summer in Reverse - Garin/Dry Creek Regional Park

While we didn't get a lot done around the house (a little difficult with two of us running day camps) we did go places and do things. I will hopefully remember to keep posting belated summer events and current events frequently.

The first Saturday of September, we took our dogs and went with our friend Bruce and his dogs to take a long hike up in Garin/Dry Creek Park to Jordan Pond. It ended up being a really nice three hour hike. The dogs were tiiiired afterwards. It was great! And, surprisingly, our 12-year old pitbull (Joey) recovered from the hike within an hour. We were thinking he'd be out and need pain killers for a few days. He's had a lot more energy since then, too.

We took the long way there along the creek paths, across old tiny cattle bridges. We were never sure if we went the right way to get to Jordan Pond, so when we finally got there it was like an oasis to come up on.

Jordan Pond, with the dry, golden hills surrounding it.

We started at the Whipple entrance and hiked to Jordan Pond. The next time we go without the dogs, I'd love to check out the Dry Creek Garden which looked like it had a lot of native plants to check out.

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