Scott Terry, one of our neighborhood beekeepers, jars the honey and sells some to Estudillo Produce occasionally. He wrote an SFGate article about his beekeeping (our old jar has the same label as the one pictured) and he's also mentioned in an article about the Bay-Friendly Garden Tour.
We kept forgetting to stop by Estudillo Produce to see if there's any honey jars - they aren't always there, there's never a large stock and they can sell out quickly. So, it was great luck that one of the members of the Alameda County Beekeepers Association left some personal belongings behind after their monthly meeting at my work on Tuesday and dropped off a jar in thanks when he picked them up the next morning. A very sweet perk to working at the Rotary Nature Center alongside Lake Merritt in Oakland; as if there weren't a lot of beautiful and fun perks already!
I didn't catch the beekeeper's name and I'll have to ask him if I see him again soon. But, here's a cellphone photo of our newly gifted honey jar in the backyard this morning:

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