Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bay-Friendly Natives Tour 2010

On Sunday, we went on the free Bay-Friendly Natives Tour put on by StopWaste.Org. We started late and stopped early but ended up visiting 9 of the 40 gardens on the tour this year. There were a few awesome gardens that gave us ideas, some decent gardens that were nice and one that we really didn't see much worth in visiting, unfortunately.

I was happy to see a few gardens on the tour that were around the neighborhood of Redwood Heights, since I've worked at the neighborhood Recreation Center for 5+ years. Such as this pond:

The company they hired to install the pond does a lot of integrated biofilter ponds and created a bog filter in the upper, more shallow, portion of the pond.

We're thinking of switching over to a bog/veggie filter in our pond and expanding the pond to have a spot for the turtles that's separate from the koi/goldfish and frog section.

We've been wanting to redo the storage situation on the side of the studio for a long time. We'd love to have the bikes in a fully-enclosed shed, with maybe a long section of storage cabinets along the fence with a deep shed for the lawnmower and such.

Greenhouse FULL of succulents in a huge redwood covered yard:

The garden we visited with the most character was owned by residents who go to Burning Man and had several art pieces around the yard and tons of interesting things to look at everywhere:

Glass bug art hanging all over the garden from the Burning Man home:

Cute little gate from a home NOT on the tour:

Crappy picture, but this monkeyflower was growing strong:

Abutilon looking really full, some plants end up really sparse looking:

Love this plant, but it wasn't on the tour and I don't know the name of it:

Sunday had beautiful warm weather and we had fun visiting all the gardens. I'd definitely go again next year.

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