Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Studio, New Projects

It's been a couple of months since I've done any updates on the bathroom. There's a good reason for it: we haven't worked on the bathroom in that time. Life got busy and what's left now is finishing small things around the room. We have worked on a couple of other projects around the house, as you can see below.

We've evicted a renter in the studio, had to remove ALL of his junk as he abandoned it and it's finally back to clean and in shape to have someone rent it for a couple of months. It was NOT livable at all. He had piles everywhere. It was digusting. It took about three weeks to clean it out. Two loads to the dump. A garage sale. And we still have so much of his junk left that we ordered a free dumpster from the city. Not only that, but we're owed thousands of dollars in rent that we're never going to get.

My boyfriend and I will be renting the studio near the end of summer, when he graduates from UC Irvine. Until then, it looks like we might have a renter from the East Coast who needs a place to stay for a few months until his fiancé can move out here, too. We now have a buddy living back there, awesome! We kept some of the furniture that the evictee left, so it's partially furnished for the guy. Although, we're trying to find him a real bed (free, craigslist, of course).

New projects around the house!

We got bored and decided the bathroom in the studio had a really stupid ledge that needed to have colorful tile on it. We had a lot of mosaic tile sitting around waiting for a project. We just need to paint the walls in the bathroom now.

The hot tub area now has a wood-topped roof and is waiting to be painted once the weather is dry.

We're sanding the house so that we can start figuring out colors and start painting. So far, we know that we want green walls and a blue door. We just need to decide on which ones and then figure out what we want to do for the trims and frames.

We're thinking of adding columns to the front porch, as all we have right now is this lame iron decorative railing system that we hate. In the mock ups I did in Photoshop, the house looks AMAZING with columns. All of the other houses in the neighborhood have columns and we're thinking that at some point there might have been earthquake damage (or an insane person) and the columns were taken out and replaced with the iron railing and iron columns.

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